Name:  Jeroen Verkuijl
Age: 48
Nationality:  NED
Ranking Position: 12    up 1 place.
Rating Points: 981.0 unchanged since 30 Sep 2024.
Home Club:  ZC Rotterdam
Occupation:  Pilot
Pilot ID No:  721
Click here to login to the system and amend your details. Scroll down for Ranking history.
Latest Competition Results
Competition Class Year Location   Glider   Position Score Pilot Rating Score Rating Points
 38th FAI World Gliding Championships 18m 24 Uvalde JS3-TJ 4/32 9431 958.14 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Handicapped 24 Terlet JS3 18m 2/14 4017 922.84 0.0
 37th FAI World Gliding Championships 15m 23 Narromine JS3 15m 4/27 8955 981.80 785.4
 Dutch National Championships Open 23 Terlet  MD JS3 RES 2/22 5541 923.43 0.0
 KLIX - international gliding cup Standard 23 Klix (EDCI) JS 3 3/19 3245 913.58 0.0
 FAI World Gliding Championships 18m 22 Szeged MD JS3 RES 4/42 8788 977.98 195.6
 Dutch National Championships 18m 22 Terlet JS 3 RES 5/12 4235 852.28 0.0
 KLIX - international gliding cup Two seater 22 Klix (EDCI) Duo Discus XL 1/19 6224 871.56 0.0
 FAI World Gliding Championships 15 m 21 Montluçon-Gueret JS 3 11/29 3855 858.96 0.0
 Concours International de Bailleau Vitesse 19 Bailleau JS 1c 18m evo 1/38 5829 925.07 0.0
 KLM Flight Academy Dutch Nationals Championships Combi 19 Terlet LS 8 1/14 5789 887.14 0.0
 World Gliding Championships 18m 18 Hosin, Czech republic JS 3 27/45 8771 856.88 0.0
 FAI Sailplane Grand Prix, France 18m 18 Saint-Sulpice JS 1C Evo Jet 4/19 9 824.47 0.0
 KLIX - international gliding cup 18m 18 Klix JS 1 18m 2/27 3940 941.20 0.0
 European Gliding Championships 18m 17 Lasham ASG 29 E 6/25 5797 920.90 0.0
 KLM Flight Academy Dutch Nationals Championships Open 17 Terlet JS1-C EVO 2/8 5606 872.75 0.0
 World Gliding Championships Open 17 Benalla, Australia JS1c 14/35 5927 903.23 0.0
 Dutch Open Militairy championship Combi 16 Malden Duo Discus wl 2/21 1409 814.01 0.0
 CAE Open Benelux Gliding Championships Open 16 Terlet JS 1 C 2/11 2223 812.17 0.0
 Hahnweide 18m 16 Hahnweide Anrares 18T 34/39 2784 528.19 0.0
 European Gliding Championships Open 15 Ocsény JS 1 C EVO 3/26 7619 0.00 0.0
 Dutch Open Militairy championship Open 15 Malden JS 1 Revelation 1/10 1874 0.00 0.0
 Belgian Nationals 18m Open 15 Saint Hubert Antares 18T 16/23 3830 0.00 0.0
 South African Nationals 18m 14 Welkom JS.1c-21 13/22 4780 0.00 0.0
 World Gliding Championships 18m 14 Leszno Ventus 2cxaj 21/46 6534 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Open 14 Terlet Ventus 2cxa 18m 11/11 297 0.00 0.0
 KLIX - international gliding cup 18m 14 Klix (EDCI) Ventus 2 cxaj 1/29 2815 0.00 0.0
 European Gliding Championships Club 13 Ostrów Wielkopolski Michałków (EPOM) Std. Cirrus 10/34 8461 0.00 0.0
 World Gliding Championships Club 13 Adolfo Gonzalez Chà¡vez (Argentina) Std. Cirrus 10/41 5939 0.00 0.0
 Zomerwedstrijden Club 12 Malden Std. Cirrus 1/13 1161 0.00 0.0
 South American Gliding Championships Standard 12 Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, Province of BsAs, Argentin Jantar Std2 HC/52 5439 0.00 0.0
 Uvalde Glide 18m 11 Uvalde, TX ASH-26E 6/10 6122 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Combi 11 Terlet Discus 4/15 4385 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Open 10 EHTW Ventus 2cT/18m 6/23 5127 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Handicapped 09 Terlet, Holland Discus 4/18 6110 0.00 0.0
 Pribina Cup Open 09 Airport Nitra Ventus 2ct 19/43 4151 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Club 08 Stendal  Std Cirrus HC/9 0 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships Club 07 Stendal (Germany) Std. Cirrus 4/13 1807 0.00 0.0
 World Gliding Championships Standard 06 Eskilstuna, Sweden ASW 28 14/35 7250 0.00 0.0
 Dutch National Championships 15m 06 Terlet ASW-28 10/18 3288 0.00 0.0
 European Gliding Championships Club 05 Nitra, Slovak Republic Std.Cirrus 30/31 3569 0.00 0.0
 Viking Glide 18m 05 Eskilstuna, Ekeby Airfield, Sweden LS 6c-18WL 1/11 3310 0.00 0.0
 Pribina Cup Club 05 Airport Nitra, Slovakia Std.Cirrus 5/19 4615 0.00 0.0
 Junior World Gliding Championships Club 99 Terlet  10/34 3854 0.00 0.0

Values at 30th September 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Ranking Points 779.8 779.8 739.8 739.8 853.8 897.4 839.9 812.5 864.4 867.4 859.7 857.1 910.2 933.6 946.3 946.3 940.0 944.6 931.6 929.5 925.8 967.4 967.3 981.0
Ranking Position 138 166 258 290 188 119 282 492 349 390 486 505 237 132 99 101 138 131 184 186 201 33 29 13
Total Pilots in Ranking List 266 314 423 507 2258 2502 2685 3376 4005 4768 5200 5215 5175 5242 5270 5355 5533 5486 5488 5194 4921 5535 5923 6347