 Country Scores
Each Country's score is the average of the five highest ranked pilots. Click on a Country name to see all its pilots listed in ranking system order. The change in position is calculated from pilot rankings at 30 Sep 2023.
PositionCountryNo. of pilots in listPoints
1- Germany1219984.8
2- Poland336976.4
33 Great Britain345974
41 Czech Republic501971.5
51 France746970.3
61 Netherlands167969.8
72 Italy139966.1
87 Australia296964.8
9- Lithuania77954.4
101 Belgium162954.3
111 United States of America252953.5
124 Hungary125953.5
13- South Africa78948.5
142 Austria148948.1
151 Denmark163946.3
162 Finland85944.2
17- Slovenia78920.4
184 Sweden155919
191 Switzerland163918.1
201 Slovakia92917.1
213 New Zealand150915.6
223 Canada47915.3
231 Romania71892
242 Norway39851
25- Spain86847.8
261 Argentina22784.9
271 Ukraine23651.3
281 Chile13629.2
296 Japan4582.9
30- Ireland4562
31- Andorra12539.6
32- Serbia4506.3
33- Belarus5499.6
34- Bulgaria5499.4
351 Luxembourg4392.9
361 Brazil4363
371 Colombia1127.1
381 Portugal1120
391 Latvia166.1