World Junior Ranking List
1. Lukas Kriz
2. Max Lukas Maslak
3. Henry Inigo-Jones
World Feminine pilots
1. Sarah Arnold
2. Alena Netusilova
3. Barbora Moravcova
Welcome to the IGC Ranking list, the list is updated after each competition that is sanctioned for inclusion. For background or more information please see the relevant pages or go to the news page. Please read the news page or FAQ's before you mail us with a query or comment. Last updated 14 January 25
the IGC Ranking List
Pilots per page: 20 | 50 | 100
Click on a pilot name to see more details of their performances. Click on a competition name to see its results.
Ranking List
Rating Score Name Nationality Best Performance Class Year Position Image
1251 74 764.4 Nicolas Bennet USA Western Cape Regionals Open 21 1
1252 30 764.2 Rostislav Stryk CZE Jeseniky Spring Cup Club 23 11
1253 74 763.8 Josef Bostik CZE US Nationals 18m 21 12 No image
1254 75 763.7 Christine Messmer-Buerki SUI Swiss Championship 18 m 24 2
1255 75 763.5 Andras Gyongyosi HUN Dunakeszi Vitorlázórepülő Bajnokság Club 22 3
1256 76 763.3 Morten Bach DEN KLIX - international gliding cup Standard 23 4
1257 76 763.3 Wiek Schoenmakers NED Dutch National Championships Club 23 4 No image
1258 51 763.2 Brian Birlison GBR British Nationals 18m 18m 16 1 No image
1259 77 763.2 Eric Heinonen FIN World Gliding Championships 18m 17 10
1260 48 763.1 Petr Babak CZE Highland Gliding Cup Handicapped 24 14 No image
1261 176 763.0 Sven Killinger GER Qualification Competition Lachen Speyerdorf 18m 22 5 No image
1262 22 763.0 Jan Ole Gödeke GER German Junior Championships Standard 23 9 No image
1263 35 762.7 Dominik Mauchle SUI AAC Alpe Adria Cup Open 18 6 No image
1264 74 762.7 Christophe Ruch FRA World Gliding Championships 15m 18 3
1265 74 762.7 Liz Sparrow GBR 12th Womens World Gliding Championship 18m 23 7 No image
1266 74 762.5 Stefan Kessler GER Klippeneck-Segelflug-Wettbewerb Two seater 18 1 No image
1267 31 762.4 Romuald Mauvais FRA Championnat de France Classe Club Club 24 25 No image
1268 73 762.4 Jack Luxton GBR AAC Alpe Adria Cup Open 22 2 No image
1269 172 762.3 Roland Zaccour ITA Coppa Città di Rieti Handicapped 23 7
1270 272 762.2 Vitaliy Borovik RUS Open Gliding Championships of Russia Club 21 1 No image
1271 71 762.2 Lukas Furdal USA US Nationals Sportsclass 24 6 No image
1272 71 762.1 Slavomir ml Piskaty CZE FCC Gliding 2023 Club 23 6
1273 71 762.1 Frantisek Myska CZE T CUP Combi 24 13 No image
1274 72 761.7 Fredy Zulliger SUI Klippeneck-Segelflug-Wettbewerb 18m 17 1 No image
1275 72 761.7 Tim Wilson AUS Australian State Competition (NSW) 18m/Open 22 2
1276 33 761.3 Petr Havelka CZE Czech Junior Championships Club 22 10 No image
1277 75 761.2 Stefano Ghiringhelli ITA Campionati Italiani Club 23 13
1278 75 761.1 Vytautas Maciulis LTU Lithuanian national gliding championship Open mixed 18 6 No image
1279 75 761.1 Lizzy van Zomeren NED 12th Womens World Gliding Championship Standard 23 11
1280 75 761.0 Alain Marcuse NZL Central Districts Regionals Racing 21 2 No image
1281 75 761.0 Sebastian Eder AUT World Gliding Championships Open 17 8
1282 75 761.0 Jake Glahn GER Qualification Competition Jena 20 meter Multi-seat Class 24 13 No image
1283 75 760.9 Nicolas Kierdorf GER Junior Qualification Competition Bückeburg Club 24 2 No image
1284 76 760.7 Grzegorz Fiema POL Czestochowa Regional Competition Club A 24 3 No image
1285 10 760.1 Kilian Biechele GER German Gliding Championships Standard 17 1 No image
1286 180 760.0 Lenka Kuthanova CZE Club and Gradient GP+M. Vlach Cup Handicapped 20 1
1287 64 760.0 Timo Protzer GER Klippeneck-Segelflug-Wettbewerb Two seater 24 2 No image
1288 78 760.0 Ondrej Dvorak CZE Czech Gliding Championship Club 16 1
1289 78 760.0 George Metcalfe GBR British Nationals Std / 20m Standard 16 1
1290 171 759.8 Daniel Ryba CZE Czech Regional Championship Club 17 3 No image
1291 80 759.8 Alexander Späth GER Internationaler Segelflug-Wettbewerb Hockenheim 15m 18 1 No image
1292 80 759.7 Guillaume Dufrene FRA Championnat Régional Hauts-de-France Multiclass 23 2
1293 56 759.6 Thomas Pflug GER KLIX - international gliding cup Standard 22 10
1294 80 759.4 Nils Ruckert GER Qualification Competition Jena 20 meter Multi-seat Class 24 11 No image
1295 80 759.0 Julian Kön GER Junior Qualification Competition Grabenstetten Club 24 8 No image
1296 81 758.9 Morten Hoeck Petersen DEN Danish Nationals Club 24 5 No image
1297 81 758.8 Manon Kuttel SUI CRVV Neuchâtel Handicapped 22 3
1298 114 758.5 Antoine Havet FRA Montluçon-Guéret International Glide 2020 Std 15m 20m 20 2
1299 80 758.3 Maximilian Gotthardt GER German Nationals Club 24 8 No image
1300 81 757.9 Mark van den Ham NED Dutch National Championships Combi 22 2 No image
Viewing page 26, Pilots 1251 - 1300 of 6343. Click on a page number to view.
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