World Junior Ranking List
1. Lukas Kriz
2. Max Lukas Maslak
3. Henry Inigo-Jones
World Feminine pilots
1. Sarah Arnold
2. Alena Netusilova
3. Barbora Moravcova
Welcome to the IGC Ranking list, the list is updated after each competition that is sanctioned for inclusion. For background or more information please see the relevant pages or go to the news page. Please read the news page or FAQ's before you mail us with a query or comment. Last updated 14 January 25
the IGC Ranking List
Pilots per page: 20 | 50 | 100
Click on a pilot name to see more details of their performances. Click on a competition name to see its results.
Ranking List
Rating Score Name Nationality Best Performance Class Year Position Image
241 13 923.9 David Jansen AUS Australian MultiClass Nationals Open 16 2
242 13 923.9 Lucas Oyaux FRA Internationaler Hahnweide Wettbewerb 15m 24 5
243 13 923.8 Pavel Rericha CZE Highland Gliding Cup Club 24 2 No image
244 13 923.5 Nicolas Caudrelier FRA 13th FAI JUNIOR WORLD GLIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS Club 24 4
245 14 923.4 Jan Kantor CZE Highland Gliding Cup Handicapped 24 4 No image
246 14 923.3 Oliver Springer GER German Gliding Championships 15 m 24 3
247 14 923.2 Lorenzo Monti ITA Coppa città di Ferrara Standard 21 1
248 14 923.2 Matthieu Hénin FRA Junior European Gliding Championship Club 23 4
249 14 922.9 Jindrich Svorc CZE Jeseniky Spring Cup Club 23 3 No image
250 14 922.9 Laszlo Halasz HUN Hungarian National Gliding Championship Open 16 2 No image
251 1 922.5 Björn Gintzel GER SGP Germany 15m Standard 24 1 No image
252 14 921.9 Thomas Leduc BEL Championnat de France Standard+15 mètres+Biplace 20m 15 m 23 HC
253 14 921.7 Klaus Kalmbach GER SGP Norway 18m 24 2
254 14 921.6 Christoph Matkowski POL KLIX - international gliding cup 18m 19 1
255 14 921.5 Giacomo Dall'Olio ITA Campionati Italiani Club 23 1
256 19 921.2 Tomasz Dul POL Ostrow Wlkp Glide - Polish Regional Championship 18m 24 2
257 11 921.1 Eric Schneider GER German Junior Championships Standard 23 1 No image
258 12 920.6 Andrzej Smielkiewicz POL Leszno Cup 18m 18 1 No image
259 13 920.5 Alessandro Giaiotti ITA AAC Alpe Adria Cup Handicapped 24 1
260 11 920.4 Petr Tichy CZE European Gliding Championships Open 19 1
Viewing page 13, Pilots 241 - 260 of 6343. Click on a page number to view.
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