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2. Stefan Langer
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2. Max Lukas Maslak
3. Henry Inigo-Jones
Official IGC Pilot Ranking List
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IGC Feminine Pilot World Ranking list
Pilots per page: 20 | 50 | 100
Click on a pilot name to see more details of their performances. Click on a competition name to see its results.
Position Rating Score Name Nationality Best Performance Class Year Position Image
21 878.9 Claudia Hill GBR Womens World Gliding Championship Club 22 2
22 878.9 Sylvia Grandstaff USA US Nationals Club 23 2 No image
23 878.3 Jana Treslova CZE FCC Gliding 2023 15m 23 6
24 872.4 Christine Grote GER European Gliding Championships 20m 19 3
25 866.8 Sara Salonen FIN Purjelennon SM Club 24 3
26 866.6 Alizée Petit FRA Championnat de France Juniors Std 15m 20m 23 3
27 862.7 Jana Veprekova CZE Womens World Gliding Championships Standard 17 3
28 856.9 Karen Wilken GER KLIX - international gliding cup 18m 17 5 No image
29 845.3 Ulrike Teichmann GER Womens World Gliding Championships Standard 17 4
30 841.3 Stefanie Mühl GER Womens World Gliding Championship 18m 22 4
31 837.6 Ines Engelhardt GER Womens World Gliding Championship Club 22 3
32 834.6 Paula Drazul ARG Womens World Gliding Championships Club 17 11
33 813.8 Ayala Truelove GBR Womens World Gliding Championships Standard 20 3
34 802.9 Jo Davis AUS Australian Nationals Club 18 4
35 801.2 Gundela Goeke GER Concours International de Bailleau Speed Race 24 7 No image
36 793.4 Edwige Colson BEL Kempencup and Belgian Junior Nationals Sports 24 4
37 790.5 Agathe Moro FRA Czech Junior Championships Club 24 7 No image
38 788.8 Judit Murati HUN 69. Magyar Vitorlázórepülő Nemzeti Bajnokság Club 24 17
39 785.2 Pavlina Horackova CZE Czech Regional Championship Club 24 3
40 781.4 Lucia Esteban Loring FRA Championnat de France Womens 16 5 No image
41 778.1 Amélie Boulanger FRA Championnat de France Classe Club Club 24 21
42 773.3 Margherita Acquaderni ITA Championnat de France classes 18 mètres et Libre 18m 19 HC
43 772.2 Annette Klossok GER KLIX - international gliding cup 18m 17 3
44 767.3 Astrid Galaret FRA Championnat Interrégional Junior Nord-Est Club 19 1
45 763.7 Christine Messmer-Buerki SUI Swiss Championship 18 m 24 2
46 761.1 Lizzy van Zomeren NED 12th Womens World Gliding Championship Standard 23 11
47 760.0 Lenka Kuthanova CZE Club and Gradient GP+M. Vlach Cup Handicapped 20 1
48 758.8 Manon Kuttel SUI CRVV Neuchâtel Handicapped 22 3
49 757.2 Eva Mensan FRA Championnat Inter-régional Junior Sud-Ouest Club 24 HC No image
50 756.4 Joanna Biedermann POL Womens World Gliding Championships 18m 17 6
51 753.6 Barbara Kuttel SUI CR Yverdon 15m mixed 23 2
52 746.0 Klara Teichmannova CZE Czech Gliding Championship Club 18 10
53 740.0 Edita Skalskiene LTU Lithuanian national gliding championship Club 17 5
54 738.7 Céline Rault FRA Womens World Gliding Championships Club 20 3
55 738.0 Kerrie Claffey AUS Australian State Competition (NSW) 18m/Open 22 5
56 733.0 Magali Russier-Corcy FRA Championnat de France Féminines Club 18 2
57 731.2 Viktoria Divokova SVK Slovak Gliding Championship 15m 20 3
58 729.6 Sandra Malzacher GER German Women national Championship and Qualification Competition 15m 18 7
59 727.2 Lisa Trotter AUS Australian MultiClass Nationals Standard 16 5
60 723.0 Elizabeth Sparrow GBR Womens World Gliding Championships 18m 20 4
61 720.0 Andrea Abt GER Lilienthal-Glide Open 18 17
62 710.3 Ailsa McMillan AUS Womens World Gliding Championships Club 17 5
63 707.1 Nina Shalneva RUS Cup of Russia Standard 21 2 No image
64 706.5 Aurore Raunier FRA Championnat Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Multiclass 24 3 No image
65 706.5 Valeria Huber SUI Swiss Junior Championship Standard 23 3
66 699.7 Annemiek Koers NED Womens World Gliding Championships Club 17 6
67 699.5 Christina Solberg Hansen DEN Danish Nationals Club 24 8
68 697.9 Amélie Audier FRA Championnat de France Classe Club Club 18 3
69 691.3 Doortje Grunder NED Womens World Gliding Championships Standard 17 9
70 690.0 Kathryn M. Fosha USA Womens World Gliding Championships Club 20 12 No image
Viewing page 1, Pilots 21 - 70 of 207. Click on a page number to view.
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